Who we are
Pecan Energies believes that all undesired events can be avoided through planning and compliance with protocols. We promote a responsible Health, Safety, Security and Environment (“HSSE”) culture with an HSSE-first attitude amongst all employees and third parties working with the company.
We will always do our utmost to protect the health, safety and security of our workforce and the communities in which we operate. We believe that we must at all times be vigilant, disciplined, and always look out for one another – as partners in development.
We strive to execute operations in a way that avoids harm, damage and injuries to people, the environment and financial assets, avoids work-related illness ensuing from operations, and ensures the technical integrity of our facilities.
The environment
We will minimise direct and indirect negative influences on the external environment and ai to avoid them completely where operationally feasible. We will work to ensure natural resource efficiency and to limit greenhouse gas emissions and always adhere to relevant international and local laws and standards.

Biological diversity
In Pecan Energies we acknowledge the importance of maintaining healthy ecosystems and their biodiversity. Our project and operations integrate biodiversity in environmental management planning and decision-making processes, undertaking environmental baseline studies and impact assessments, engaging with local residents and biodiversity experts.
Clean air
In Pecan Energies, our projects and operations shall be designed to reduce emissions of harmful substances into the air.
Climate change
In Pecan Energies we will implement Energy Management in our projects and operations to be energy efficient and optimise production per used energy unit.
Clean water
In Pecan Energies we will manage chemical use to reduce use and discharge of potential environmental harmful chemicals.
The world’s most extensive and advanced monitoring has not demonstrated any effect of discharge of produced water on fish, but effects have been proven in laboratory tests. A precautionary approach involves reducing the amount of discharged produced water as much as possible.
Ecosystem services impacts
In Pecan Energies we acknowledge the importance of maintaining access to, and not harming, ecosystem services utilised by people. Coexistence and collaboration with other users of the ocean space is important to Pecan Energies. In addition to minimising discharges to the sea, we will operate in a respectful and responsible way to reduce our physical footprint and impact on local fishery industry and other ecosystem services.
Waste management
In Pecan Energies we will work to reduce the amount of waste and contribute to recycling, re-use and proper waste management in our projects and operations.
Project related Environmental and Social Studies
Benefit for the people of Ghana is an important driver in our current development of the Pecan field in DWT/CTP. We are conducting a comprehensive Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA), to secure our responsible development of the field, minimise negative impacts and optimise positive impacts to the society.
Reports produced as part of the ESIA, which follows the IFC Performance Standards, can be downloaded from the Media Centre once approved by the Ghanaian Authority.
Sustainability Reports
Pecan Energies produces annual sustainability reports that highlight our environmental, social, and governance (ESG) commitments, as well as the investments we continue to make to achieve our targets. The 2022 Sustainability Performance Report is the most recent and has been produced in accordance with the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) requirements. The full report can be downloaded here.