What we do
Corporate Social Responsibility
In building the oil and gas operator of choice offshore Ghana, corporate social responsibility is at the core of who we are and what we do.
Being a responsible company is a motivation which guides our activities in a multitude of ways, ranging from our ambitions on local content, to our approach to managing people, and our zero tolerance for corruption.
Social Investments
At Pecan Energies we believe the best way to ensure our social investments produce lasting positive change over time is to focus them on clearly defined priority areas. For the current period, Pecan Energies has identified four such focus areas.

Focus Areas:
Investments in education have positive ripple effects throughout society. Education is not only invaluable to the individual who is given the opportunity to gain an education, but it has further positive effects for the individual’s family and local community. On a societal level, education is key to ensuring economic growth, and in the case of Ghana it will be essential to unlock further access to the oil and gas sector for Ghanaian individuals and companies. Pecan Energies is currently focusing on supporting students pursue various courses at tertiary institutions across the country through its scholarship program. The Pecan Inspire Scholarship Programme (PISP) targets brilliant students from low-income households mainly from the coastal districts of the Western Region where its Exploration, Development and Production activities are based. The tertiary scholarship programme replaced the secondary school scholarship programme that supported about 1000 students through school.
Read more about our commitment to increasing access to quality education here.
Community investments
Community investments in the coastal districts of the Western Region in Ghana are an important part of our social investments. In the course of 2019, a comprehensive needs assessment was undertaken to examine what the communities identify as their most pressing needs.
The results gave us a better sense of which areas matter the most to our stakeholders and led us to focus on education as a primary need. We’ve had productive dialogue with our stakeholders to further shape this area of social investments moving forward.
We will report annually on our sustainability agenda, providing information on how we integrate corporate responsibility into the way we operate, and how we seek to be a constructive partner in developing the Ghanaian oil and gas sector and in reaching the Sustainable Development Goals.
Stakeholder Engagement
Our stakeholders are integral to our business, and we highly value our relationships with them. As an exploration and production company operating in Ghana, we have a range of key stakeholder groups, from fishermen off the coast of Ghana to media organisations to the general public and civil society.
Pecan Energies regularly engages with these different groups, through town hall-style meetings, individual meetings or written, two-way sharing of information. We are grateful for the experiences and improvement suggestions shared at these engagements, and will continue to be open, transparent and responsive to our stakeholders.
Sustainable Development Goals
Pecan Energies seeks to be a constructive partner in developing the Ghanaian oil and gas sector and, through our operations and investments, to aspire to reaching the UN Sustainable Development Goals, most notably the following:
Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all.
Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all.
Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialisation and foster innovation.
Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development.
To view all 17 of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals, visit https://sdgs.un.org/goals
The Pecan Inspire Scholarship Programme, (PISP)
The Pecan Inspire Scholarship Programme, (PISP) began in 2012 after a needs assessment carried out in the coastal districts of the Western Region identified education as one of the top priorities for these communities.
Based on this, the Pecan Inspire Scholarship Programme, (PISP) was developed to provide full scholarships to promising students from these communities.
The students are given guidance on tertiary education as well as application forms for further studies upon completion of the senior high school (SHS). Participants in the programme highlight the mentoring and follow-up offered in the programme as key to their success at SHS and now at the tertiary level.
So far, 1000 students have benefited from the secondary programme and 71 for the tertiary programme. This flagship programme has received widespread positive feedback from stakeholders. Pecan Energies’ focus on education addresses the needs identified by Sustainable Development Goal 4 – Quality Education.